Monday, October 26, 2015

Chapter 1: The Ancient Near East: The First Civilization

From Book: Western Civilization
Author: Jackson J. Spielvogel
ISBN: 978-0-495-91329-0
Chapter: One


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1. hominids= earliest humanlike creatures
2. hominids were around 3 to 4 million years ago
3. Australopithecines lived in East and South Africa.
4. hominids= Australopithecines
5. Australopithecines were first to make simple stones.
6. "Upright human being"= Homo erectus
7. Homo erectus emerged around 1.5 million years ago
8. Homo erectus made use of larger and more varied tools.
9. Home erectus= hominid= left Africa to Europe and Asia
10. "Wise Human Being"= Homo sapiens
11. Homo sapiens emerged around 250,000 years ago
12. "Wise, Wise Human Being"= Homo sapiens sapiens
13. Homo sapiens sapiens emerged in Africa between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago.
14. Homo sapiens sapiens left Africa around 70,000 years ago
15. Homo sapiens sapiens traveled outside their hunting grounds at a rate of only 2 or 3 miles per generation.
16. Homo sapiens sapiens populated the world in some 10,000 years

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17. Neanderthals= hominids= from Neander Valley in Germany
18. Neanderthals were found in Europe and Western Asia
19. Neanderthals lived around 200,000 to 30,000 B.C.E.
20. Neanderthals buried their dead (first hominids to do so)
21. Home Sapiens Sapiens replaced the Neanderthals by 30,000 B.C.E.
22. Neanderthals became extinct by 30,000 B.C.
23. Homo Sapiens Sapiens spread around the world by 10,000 B.C.
24. Paleolithic Age= 2,500,000 to 10,000 B.C.
25. Paleolithic people knew which animals to hunt and plants to eat.
26. Paleolithic people didn't know how to grow crops or raise animals.
27. Paleolithic people lived in small groups of 20-30 people.
28. Nomadic= they moved from place to place
29. Tools invented during Paleolithic Age= spear, bow and arrow, harpoons, and fishhooks

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30. Last Ice Age= 10,000 B.C.
31. Paleolithic= Greek for "old stone"
32. Neolithic= Greek for "new stone"
33. Neolithic Revolution= 10,000 B.C.
34. Neolithic Revolution= New Stone Age
35. New Stone Age= start of systematic agriculture (food production)
36. farming= planting grains and vegetables, domestication of animals: goats, cattle, pigs, sheep
37. Food producing animals created a new relationship between humans and nature.
38. Agriculture Revolution= Neolithic Revolution
39. Systematic Agriculture= 9,000 to 7,000 B.C.
40. Near East Area Cultivated: wheat, barley, and lentils
41. Southern Asia: Millet and  Rice
42. Western Africa: Millet and Yams
43. Americas: Beans, Potatoes, Corn (Maize)
44. Northern Iraq and Southern Turkey: wild plants were barley and wheat, wild animals: pigs, cows, goats, sheep

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45. Neolithic farming villages were permanent settlements
46. Jericho= oldest agricultural village
47. Jericho is located in Canaan near the Dead Sea
48. Jericho existed 8,000 B.C.
49. Catal Huyuk located in Turkey had up to 6 thousand people from 6,700 to 5,700 B.C.
50. Early homes were built near each other so there were few streets.  You had to enter the home by a hole in the roof.
51. People in Catal Huyuk had the following: fruits, nuts, wheat, cattle, milk, hides, weapons and jewelry.
52. Religious shrines housing figures of gods and goddesses have been found at Catal Huyuk.

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53. Neolithic Age set 5 Patterns:
a. fixed dwellings
b. domesticated animals
c. regular farming
d. division of labor
e. men holding power
54. Bronze= copper + tin
55. Copper was the first metal used to produced tools
56. Western Asia discovered bronze
57. Bronze Age= 3,000 to 1,200 B.C.
58. Civilization is a complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a variety of common elements.

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59. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, tow major cities in India
60. Early Civilizations
a. Indus River in India
b. Yellow River in China
c. Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys in Egypt
d. In the Republics of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
e. Supe River Valley in Peru
61. Caral was in the Supe River Valley of Peru

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62. Mesopotamia= "between the rivers"

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63. The creators of Mesopotamian civilization were the Sumerians.
64. Cities that existed by 3,000 B.C. were Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Umma, Lagash
65. Sumerian civilization was the city/state
66. Mesopotamia people used mudbricks for construction
67. Ziggurat= stepped tower
68. Sumerians believed that the gods and goddesses owned the cities.
69. In Sumerian society, priests and priestesses had great power.
70. Theocracy= government by a divine authority
71. Early Sumerian society, priests and priestesses may have ruled the city.
72. In Sumerian society, the king ruled.
73. Kings derived their power from the gods.
74. Sumerian kings lived in large palaces with their wives and children

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75. Invention of the wheel was around 3,000 B.C.
76. Sumerian social groups: elites, dependent commoners, free commoners, and slaves
77. Elites= royal and priestly officials
78. Dependent Commoners= people who worked for the elites
79. Free Commoners= farmers, merchants, fishers, scribes, and craftspeople
80. 90% of the population were farmers
81. slaves= belonged to palace officials, temple officials and rich land owners
82. Dynastic Age= 3,000 to 2,340 B.C.
83. Semitic= a subfamily of Afroasiatic languages that includes Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Ethiopic, Hebrew, and Phoenician.
84. Semitic People= Akkadians
85. Sargon= Akkadian Leader
86. Sargon controlled a large area around 2,340 B.C.
87. Naram-Sin= grandson of Sargon
88. Naram-Sin called himself "King of the Four Corners of the Universe"
89. No city/state rule when Naram-Sin was in power

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90. When the Akkadian empire collapsed, Mesopotamia grew once more.
91. Third Dynasty of Ur= circa 2,112 to 2,000 B.C.
92. Around 2,000 B.C.E. invading peoples from Iran, known as the Elamites, destroyed Ur and brought an end to the Third Dynasty.
93. Amorites= large group of Semitic-Speaking semi-nomads
94. Amorites dressed in sheepskin, lived in tents, and ate raw meat
95. Amorites= old Babylonians
96. Hammurabi= king of Amorites and established new empire
97. Hammurabi= "The Sun of Babylon"= 1,792 to 1,750 B.C.E.
98. Hammurabi was the king who made the four quarters of the world obedient.
99. Hammurabi established his capital at Babylon
100. Hammurabi left his dynasty strong until 1,550 B.C.E.
101. Hammurabi is best remembered for his law code, a collection of 282 laws.

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102. The law code emphasizes the principle of "an eye for an eye" and punishments that vary according to social status.

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103. To the peoples of Mesopotamia, the gods were living realities who affected all aspects of life.
104. Enuma Elish= first Babylonian Mythology
105. Marduk= god
106. Tiamat= water chaos goddess
107. Marduk and Tiamat battle
108. Marduk wins, Tiamat is divided into two creating the heavens and the earth.  Her breasts are mountains.
109. Tiamat's eyes became the Tigris River and Euphrates River
110. Enlil= god of wind
111. Nippur= earliest town center of Sumerian religion
112. Polytheistic= many gods
113. Mesopotamia society is tied to a polytheistic religion

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114. 4 important deities: An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga
115. An= god of sky, most important god
116. Enlil= god of wind, second most powerful
117. Enki= god of earth

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118. Ninhursaga= goddess of soil, mountains, and vegetations
119. Ninhursaga= mother goddess= "mother of all children"
120. divination= the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means
121. Mesopotamia society gave rise to the development of the arts of divination.
122. Divination took many forms:
a. killing animals
b. examining the organs of the killed animals
c. interpreting shapes in the smoke from burning wood
d. interpreting shapes in the smoke from oil poured into water
123. The oldest Mesopotamian texts date to around 3000 BCE written by the Sumerians
124. Akkadian language was the main language in Mesopotamia by the 2nd millennium.  Before that it was Sumerian.
125. Cuneiform System of writing= wedge-shape writing

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126. Scribal Schools= 2500 BCE
127. The Epic of Gilgamesh= most famous piece of Mesopotamian Culture

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128. Mesopotamian Math & Science
a. Sumerians created number system based on 60, using combinations of 6 and 10 for practical solutions
b. Geometry was used for practical purposes, such as measuring fields and building projects
c. Sumerians made use of units of 60 and charted the chief heavenly constellations in Astronomy
d. Created  12 lunar month calendar
129. Egypt, like Mesopotamia, was a river valley civilization
130. Nile is the longest river in the world.
131. "Black Land"= silt deposits left from Nile overflowing

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132. Manetho= Egyptian priest and historian
133. Manetho divided Egyptian history into 31 dynasties of kings
134. Historians divided Egyptian history into 3 periods: Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom
135. Delta, a triangularshaped territory called Lower Egypt.
136. Upper Egypt was the land upstream to the south
137. Nile was the fastest way to travel through the land, this made communication and transportation easier
138. Egypt had natural barriers that protected it from invasion and gave it a sense of security.
139. Mesopotamia was subject to constant invasion
140. Natural barriers for Egypt were deserts to the west and east
141. cataracts= rapids
142. There were cataracts to the southern part of the Nile
143. The natural barriers were effective only when they were combined with Egyptian fortifications at strategic locations.

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144. Menes= King from Early Dynastic Period
145. First Royal Dynasty was in Early Dynastic Period
146. Menes is called "King of Upper and Lower Egypt"
147. Double Crown for Menes
148. Double Crown= White Crown of Upper Egypt and Red Crown of Lower Egypt
149. Kingship was used to unite Upper and Lower Egypt
150. Old Kingdom= 3rd to 6th Dynasties of Egyptian Kings
151. Old Kingdom= 2686 to 2181 BC
152. Old Kingdom capital was located at Memphis.
153. Pharaoh= King
154. Pharaoh= "Great House" or "Palace"
155. Egyptian Kings ruled by set principles
156. Chief Principle= Ma'at
157. The idea of Truth of Justice, right order and harmony= Ma'at
158. Pharaohs were the divine instruments who maintained Order and Harmony and were themselves subject to it.
159. Members of the Pharaohs family performed administrative tasks
160. Fourth Dynasty= Pharaohs created bureaucracy with regular procedures
161. Office of Vizier= "Steward of the whole land"
162. Vizier was in charge of the bureaucracy
163. For administrative purposes, Egypt was divided into provinces or nomes
164. nomes= provinces
165. 22 provinces in Upper Egypt
166. 20 provinces in Lower Egypt
167. Nomarch= Greek word= A governor
168. Nomarch= head of each nome and was responsible to the king and vizier

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169. Old Kingdom collapsed around 2180-2055
170. First Intermediate Period created new centers of power that rival dynasties.
171. Old dynasties were Heracleopolis near Lower Egypt and Thebes in Upper Egypt.
172. King of Thebes defeated the King of Heracleopolis
173. Mentuhotep, King of Thebes
174. Middle Kingdom= 2055 to 1650 BCE

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175. Amenemhet I, he was a Vizier
176. Middle Kingdom= Golden Age
177. Nome structure was reorganized
178. Egyptian Society
a. God-King
b. Nobles and Priests= ran the government and managed their own land
c. Merchants and Artisans= trade and products
d. Serfs= labor for building and military service

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179. Egyptians believed is cosmic order
180. The Egyptians had no word for religion because it was an inseparable element of the world order to which Egyptian society belonged.
181. Heliopolis= suburb of Modern Cairo
182. Atum= Sun God in human form
183. Re= Sun God who had a human body but the head of a falcon
184. The pharaoh took the title "Son of Re" because he was regarded as the earthly embodiment of Re.
185. Osiris and Isis= River and Land Deities
186. Horus= child of Osiris and Isis
187. Osiris became especially important as a symbol of resurrection
188. Festival in Spring to celebrate New Land
189. Book of the Dead from the period of the New Kingdom

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190. Osiris cult was reserved for the very wealthy, who could afford to take expensive measures to preserve the body after death.
191. During Middle Kingdom, the cult became "democratized" and was extended to all Egyptians who aspired to an afterlife.

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192. A City of the Dead= Area around the Pyramid
a. Pyramid for king's burial
b. smaller  pyramid for his family
c. mastabas= rectangular structures with flat roofs, as tombs for the pharaohs noble officals
193. rooms in pyramids were stock with items that the kings will need
194. Egyptians believed humans had to bodies
a. physical one
b. spiritual one
195. Ka= spiritual part of human
196. physical body preserved upon death (mummified) and placed in tomb with stuff they need in physical world
197. Upon death, Ka could return and continue its life despite the death of the physical body
198. Egyptians practiced mummification and had special workshops run by priests.
199. Only wealthy families cold afford mummification
200. Herodotus= ancient Greek historian who visited Egypt around 450 BCE
201. Pyramids were tombs for the mummified bodies of pharaohs.
202. The first pyramid was built by King Djoser.
203. Imhotep= a priest of Heliopolis and architect of the first pyramid.
204. first pyramid= "Saqqara"
205. Saqqara was a step pyramid
206. first real pyramid built by King Snefru
207. King Snefru built 3 pyramids
208. Khufu= Snefru's son
209. Khufu built the largest and most magnificent at Giza around 2540 BCE called the Great Pyramid
210. The Great Pyramid used limestone blocks as well as granite from Upper Egypt.
211. Herodotus reported it took 100,000 Egyptians twenty years to build the Great Pyramid.
212. The Great Pyramid still stands as a symbol of the power of Egyptian kings of the Old Kingdom.

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213. Art and writing were commissioned by the kings or nobles.
214. Wall paintings and statues of gods and kings in temples served a strictly spiritual purpose.
215. Murals and Sculptures were supposed to aid the journey of the deceased into the afterworld.
216. Egyptian art was a formula.  Artists and sculptors had to follow strict rules on form and presentation.  Example: The convention of combining the profile, semiprofile, and frontal views of the human body in relief work and painting in order to represent each part of the body accurately.
217. Writing emerged in Egypt during the first two dynasties.
218. Greeks gave Egyptian writing the name "hieroglyphics."
219. Hieroglyphics=
a. "priest-carvings" or "sacred writings"
b. never developed into an alphabet
c. were signs that depicted objects
d. had a sacred value
e. at first carved into stone then on papyrus
220. Middle Kingdom came to an end by the incursion of the Hyksos.
221. Hyksos= people from Asia
222. Hyksos helped Egyptians with following:
a. taught Egyptians how to make use of bronze in weapons and tools for agriculture
b. new ideas on warfare
i. like the horse-drawn war chariot
ii. heavier sword
iii. compound bow
223. Ahmose I= pharaoh who kicked out Hyksos from Egypt
224. Ahmose I, founded the eighteenth dynasty and established the New Kingdom around 1550-1070 BCE
225. Viziers are now chosen only from the ranks of military commanders
226. Egypt became the most powerful state in the ancient Near East.
227. Thutmosis I= pharaoh who expanded Egypt's border to the south by conquering the African kingdom of Nubia c. 1524-1518 BCE.
228. Thutmosis III= pharaoh led seventeen military campaigns into Canaan and Phoenicia c. 1480-1450 BC

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229. Amenhotep III= pharaoh, great-grandson of Thutmosis III c 1412-1375
230. Karak, Luxor and statues of Amenhotep III built by Amenhotep III
231. Hitties started giving the Egyptian empire a problem around 1364-1347 BC
232. Amenhotep IV= pharaoh, son of Amenhotep III
233. Amehhotep IV introduced the worship of Aten
234. Aten= god of the sun disk, chief god
235. Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten ("Servant of Aten")
236. Akhenaten closed the temples of other gods
237. He replaced Thebes as the capital of Egypt with Akhetaten 200 miles away

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238. Akhetaten= "Horizon of Aten"
239. Egyptians viewed the destruction of the old gods as breaking up the cosmic order which Egypt depended on.
240. Egypt losses Syria and Canaan during this time.
241. Tutankhamun= pharoah who replaced Akhenaten c 1347-1338 BCE and returned capital to Thebes and restored old gods.
242. Egypt has its first king with Horemhab in 1333 BCE
243. Ramesses II (King of Egypt) regained control of Palestine c1279-1213 BCE
244. Egyptian Empire came to an end on 1070 BCE
245. Egyptian women at the time
a. kept property and inheritance, even in marriage
b. some operated businesses
c. peasant women worked long hours in the field or weaving cloth
d. Upper-Class can function as priestesses
e. Few queens became pharaohs
f. marriages were arranged by parents
g. chief purpose of marriage was to produce children

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246. Hatshepsur became queen
a. built temple Dier el Bahri
b. She is addressed as "His Majesty"

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247. Egyptian families when they hunted used trained retriever cats to swim out into the water and bring back the birds.
248. The earliest known board games in the world have been found in Egyptian tombs.
249. The games played on them involved moving pieces on the boards according to the roll of the dice.

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250. Farming had spread into the Balkan peninsula of Europe by 6500 BCE
251. Most famous megalithic construction is Stonehenge in England.
252. Stonehenge constructed between 2100-1900 BCE
253. It has been suggested that the original Indo-European-speaking peoples were based somewhere in the steppe region north of the Black Sea or in southwestern Asia, in modern Iran or Afghanistan.
254. The Indo-Europeans who moved into Asia Minor and Anatolia (modern Turkey) coalesced with the native peoples to form the first Hittite kingdom, known as the Old Kingdom c 1700-1400 BCE.
255. Hattusas is the capital of the Old Kingdom (Bogazkoy in modern Turkey)

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256. Hurrians= people from the mountainous northern border of Mesopotamia.
257. Hittite New Kingdom or Hittite Empire c1370-1330 BCE
258. Suppiluliumas I= ruler of the Hittite New Kingdom, established control from western Turkey to northern Syria
259. Hittites were the first of the Indo-European peoples to make use of iron
260. Suppiluliumas I formed an alliance with Egypt and then conquered Syria.
261. Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramesses II, and Suppiluliumas I had a treaty
262. Gasga, tribes-people, raided Hittite cities and by 1190 BCE Hittite power came to an end.
263. Hittite rules was known as the "Great King"
264. Hittites borrowed from Mesopotamia
265. Hittites law code was influenced by Mesopotamia.
266. Hittite religion combined Indo-European deities and Mesopotamian gods, such as An and Ishtar.

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