Monday, October 26, 2015

Chapter 2: The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires

From Book: Western Civilization, 8th Edition
Author: Jackson J. Spielvogel
ISBN: 978-0-495-91329-0
Chapter: Two


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1. Saul= first king of the Israelites 1020-1000 BCE
2. David reunited the Israelites 1000-970 BCE
3. David was Saul’s lieutenant.
4. Solomon is David’s son 970-930 BCE
5. Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.
6. David made Jerusalem the capital of the Israelites.
7. The Temple housed the Ark of the Covenant.
8. Ark of the Covenant= holy chest containing the sacred relics of the Hebrew religion and the throne of the invisible God of Israel.
9. Israel was at the height of its power under Solomon.
10. Solomon’s death created separate kingdoms.
11. The Kingdom of Israel
a. Capital in Samaria
b. 10 Northern Tribes

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12. The Kingdom of Judah
a. Southern Kingdom
b. 2 Tribes
c. Capital in Jerusalem
13. King Ahab c869-850 BCE
14. Northern Kingdom of Israel joined some small Syrian states to stop onslaught of the Assyrians.
15. The Assyrians overran the Kingdom of Israel and destroyed the capital of Samaria in 722 or 721 BCE.
16. The Assyrians deported many Israelites to other parts of the Assyrian Empire.
17. The “Ten Lost Tribes”= dispersed Israelites
18. The “Ten Lost Tribes” merged with neighboring peoples and gradually lost their identity
19. The Kingdom of Judah survived under the Assyrian Empire and was an independent state.
20. The Chaldeans demolished Assyria.
21. King Nebuchadnezzar II, leader of the Chaldeans
22. King Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BCE.
23. Upper Class people from Judah were deported to Babylonia.
24. Persians released the upper class Israelites to return home .
25. Jerusalem remained under Persian control.
26. The people of Judah survived becoming known as the Jews.
27. Jews gave their name to Judaism.
28. The religion of Yahweh= the Israelite God
29. The God of Israel= only one God
30. Jews called their one god Yahweh
31. To the Jews, the gods of all other peoples were merely idols.
32. The Jewish God ruled the world; he was subject to nothing.

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33. Hebrew Bible= the chief source about Israel’s spiritual conceptions.
34. Hebrew Bible= Old Testament of the Christian Bible
35. Jews recorded many of their traditions in order to preserve their identity.
36. First 5 books= Pentateuch
37. Pentateuch= covers the time from beginning of the world until the Israelites’ arrival in Canaan
38. Torah= law code
39. Law Code= governing law of worshipers, their relation to one another, their relation to non-Jewish populations
40. Hebrew  Bible focuses on one basic theme
41. One basic theme= the necessity for the Jews to obey their God
42. Jewish religious tradition= the covenant, the law, and the prophets

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43. Israelites peasants and artisans sold their own produce and products directly to buyers in markets.
44. There was no merchant class in Ancient Israel.
45. Commerce was done by the Phoenicians.
46. Jews became scattered throughout the ancient world after their exile to Babylon.
47. Jews became merchants after their exile to Babylon.
48. The husband-father was master of his wife and possessed absolute authority over his children, including the power of life and death.
49. Ancient Israel accepted polygamy, especially for kings and wealthier citizens.
50. Hebrew Law limited kings to 18 wives.
51. Hebrew Law limited citizens to 4 wives.
52. Hebrew Bible women are mostly dependent on men.
53. Rabbi= a Jewish teacher
54. Philistines established 5 towns on the coastal plain of the Canaan region.
55. Philistines= people from the sea
56. Philistines settled as farmers.
57. Philistines had conflict with Israelites.
58. Phoenicians were semitic-speaking people.
59. Phoenicians rebuilt their major cities: Byblos, Tyre, and Sidon.

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60. Phoenicians were great international sea traders.
61. Phoenicians established colonies in Spain, Sicily, and Sardinia.
62. Phoenicians colonies were trading stations not permanent settlements.
63. Carthage was the Phoenician's most famous colony.
64. Phoenicians are best known as transmitters.
65. Phoenicians used 22 different signs to represent the sounds of their speech.
66. Phoenicians weren't the only ones to create an alphabet, but theirs was passed on to the Greeks.
67. Phoenicians fell to the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Persians.
68. Hurrian Kingdom of Mitanni dominated Assyria from 1650 to 1360 BCE.
69. Tiglath-Pileser I, brutal conqueror 1114-1076 BCE.

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70. Tiglath-Pileser II (744-727 BCE) vs Sargon II (721-705 BCE).
71. Ashurbanipal (669-627 BCE), Assyrian Ruler during the end of Assyrian height.
72. The capital city of the Assyrian Empire, Nineveh, fell to a coalition of Chaldeans and Medes forces in 612 BCE.
73. In 605 BCE the Neo-Babylonian Empire took over the rest of the Assyrian Empire.
74. Assyrians established a network of posting stages that used relays of horses to carry messages throughout the empire.
75. The system was so effective that a provincial governor anywhere in the empire (except Egypt) could send a question to the king in his palace and receive an answer within a week.

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76. Assyrians were not fearful of mixing with other people like the Hebrews.
77. Ethnic difference was not important in the Assyrian Empire.
78. Assyrian identity was its language.
79. Metals and Agricultural products were used as a medium of exchange.
80. Assyrians viewed themselves as guardians of Sumerian and Babylonian Culture.
81. Ashur= chief god of the Assyrians
82. Assyrian king was human representative of the god Ashur.

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83. Ashur was Assyrians national god, but they recognized virtually all of the Mesopotamian gods and goddesses as well.
84. Assyrian capital cities: Nimrud, Nineveh, and Khorsabad
85. Nabopolassar, Chaldean King 626-605 BCE, established a new Babylonian monarchy.
86. Nebuchadnezzar II (605--562 BCE), Chaldean King son of Nabopolassar, defeated Assyria and Egypt to gain control of Syria and Canaan.  He destroyed Jerusalem and made the people of Judah go into exile in Babylon.
87. Marduk was the chief Babylonian god.

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88. Nabonidus was the last Babylonian King/Chaldean Dynasty 555-539 BCE.
89. Nabonidus neglected the cult of Marduk.
90. Nabonidus worshiped the moon god, Sin.
91. Babylonians welcomed Cyrus, Persian Conqueror as a liberator in 539 BCE.
92. The Persians were an Indo-European-speaking people related to the Medes.
93. The Medes were famous for the quality of the horses they bred.

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94. Medes and Persians were nomadic.
95. Medes and Persians were organized in clans.
96. The people were led by petty kings
97. Kings were assisted by warriors
98. Warriors formed the noble class.
99. Medes began to form a confederation of tribes by 735 BCE.
100. Achaemenid dynasty established in Persis in southern Iran.
101. The Persians were made subject to the Medes c685 BCE.
102. Medes joined the Babylonians to attack Assyrians.
103. King Cyaxares established a Median Empire, first Iranian Empire.
104. Cyrus became leader of the Persian Empire in 559 BCE.
105. Cyrus controlled Media in 550 BCE.
106. Media became a satrapy (province) of Persia.

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107. Cyrus entered Mesopotamia in 539 BCE and captured Babylon.
108. Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem with their sacred temple objects and to rebuild their Temple as well.
109. Cyrus was killed in battle at Massagetae, Sogdia Territory in 530 BCE.
110. Cambyses II, son of Cyrus, becomes king 530 BCE.
111. Egypt was conquered around 525 by Cambyses II
112. Memphis became the capital of the Persian Egyptian Satrapy.
113. Cambyses took the title of pharaoh.

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114. Cambyses dies in 522 BCE.
115. Darius emerges as Great King in 521-486 BCE.
116. Darius codified Egyptian law and built a canal to link the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

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117. Darius had a cavalry force of 10,000 men.
118. Darius had an elite infantry force of 10,000 Medes and Persians known as the Immortals.
119. The Immortals were never allowed to fall below 10,000.
120. Zoroastrianism= Persian Religion
121. Zoroaster or Zarathustra was a semi-legendary figure
122. Zoroaster was born in 660 BCE.
123. Zoroaster had a period of wandering and solitude.
124. Zoroaster experienced revelations that caused him to be revered as a prophet.
125. Zoroaster was a prophet of the "true religion."
126. Sacred book Zoroastrianism= The Zend Avesta
127. Earliest section of the Zend Avesta= Yasna
128. Yasna= consists of 17 hymns or gathas
129. Zoroaster taught a spiritual message of monotheism like the Hebrews.
130. The religion Zoroaster preached was the only perfect one.
131. Ahuramazda was the only God.
132. Ahuramazda= "Wise Lord"
133. Ahuramazda vs Ahriman
134. Ahriman was identified as an evil spirit by Zoroastrianism
135. Ahuramazda gave all humans free will and the power to choose between right and wrong.
136. Zoroastrianism believed that good people will go to paradise.  The soul of people who performed evil deeds would be sent into an abyss of torment.
137. Ahuramazda becomes the chief of a number of gods of light.

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